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作者: 时间:2020-10-09







1.  2008/09-2012/06,拼搏体育登录官网,白求恩医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学,博士,导师:陈东

2.  2005/09-2007/12,拼搏体育登录官网,白求恩医学院免疫学,硕士,导师:刘永茂

3.  1998/09-2003/06, 西安交通大学护理系,医学院,学士







3.2006/10 – 2015.10,拼搏体育登录官网,拼搏体育登录官网,讲师






2.吉林省高教科研课题,基于离散选择实验对康复治疗专业本科生职业价值观影响因素的研究,在研,参与人。3. 吉林省高教科研课题,以Campinha-Bacote文化能力模式为框架的护理人文课程改革研究,在研,参与人。

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目, ACSL4调控V-ATPase对脊髓损伤后神经元铁死亡的作用及机制研究,在研,负责人。









1. Guang-Ying Wan, Li-Yuan Zheng, Hui-Qin Li, Hua Yuan, Hui Xue, Xiu-Ying Zhang*. Effects of enteral nutritional rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the nutritional status of gastrointestinal cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2020 Feb;74(2):220-230.

2. Li-yuan Zheng, Yi Peng, Hua Yuan, Shu-xiang Liu, Hui Xue and Xiu-ying Zhang*. Nurses knowledge of the management of drug-induced peripherally inserted central catheter obstruction: A descriptive phenomenological study. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2020 Sep;21(5):680-686.

3. Li-yuan Zheng, Hua Yuan, Zi-jun ZhouBao-xing Guan, Ping Zhang, Xiu-ying Zhang*. The role of spirituality in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2020, 35: 2146-2161.

4. Li-yuan Zheng, Hui Xue, Hua Yuan, Shu-xiang Liu, Xiu-ying Zhang, Efficacy of management for obstruction caused by precipitated medication or lipids in central venous access devices: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Vasc Access. 2019 Mar 28:1129729819836846. doi: 10.1177/1129729819836846.

5. Yuan, H.., Li, X., Zhang, X., Kang, R., & Tang, D.* .Identification of ACSL4 as a biomarker and contributor of ferroptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2016 Sep 23478(3):1338-1343.

6. Yuan, H., Li, X., Zhang, X., Kang, R., & Tang, D.* . CISD1 inhibits ferroptosis by protection against mitochondrial lipid peroxidation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016 Sep 16478(2), 838-844.

7. Xiuying Zhang, Hui Xue, Jia mei Liu*, Yu Song, Jiwei Zhang, Ru Peng, Dong Chen*.Combination of amniotic epithelial cells with NDGA promotes survival of transplanted AECs in spinal cord injured rats.Nuerological Research.201537111015-1024.

8. Xue H, Zhang XY, Liu JM*, Song Y, Li YF, Chen D*. Development of a chemically extracted acellular muscle scaffold seeded with amniotic epithelial cells to promote spinal cord repair. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2013;101(1):145-56.

9. Hui xueXiu-ying zhangJia-mei liu Yu songTing-ting liuDong chen. NDGA reduces secondary damage after spinal cord injury in rats via anti-inflammatory effects, Brain reseach 2013.06.21 1516(6) : 83~92.

10. Wen-tao Li, Xiu-ying Zhang, Hui Xue, Cui-ping Ni, En-guang Wang, Li-bin An. Comparison of Three Different Time Points of Starting Treadmill Training in Spinal Cord-injured Rats. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2013, 12, 16(6): 382-390

11. Zhang X-Y, Xue H, Liu J-M*, Chen D*. Chemically extracted acellular muscle: A new potential scaffold for spinal cord injury repair. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2012;100(3):578-87.




1. 万广英, 张秀英, 袁华, 张萍, 胡海燕. 混合方法研究在护理研究中的应用进展——以解释性顺序设计为例. 中华现代护理杂志. 2020, 26 (1): 118-121.

2. 王秋臣, 张秀英, 薛辉, 袁华, 彭昳. 开发离散选择实验属性和水平的研究进展[J]. 现代预防医学. 2020, 47(12): 2199-2201,2210

3. 袁华,张萍,张秀英,李闺臣,陈立. JBI循证卫生保健模式为框架的护理研究生心肺复苏课堂教学改革[J]. 护理学杂志. 20173221):83-85

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6. 归,邢蓓蓓,陈亚飞,邓 丽,张秀英*. 临床实习教学对护理本科生评判性思维能力的影响[J]. 护理研究. 2013179):3047-3049

7. 陈亚飞,邓 丽,邢蓓蓓,肖 归,张秀英*. 培养方案改革对护理本科生评判性思维能力影响的现状[J].吉林医学. 20133431):6564-6565

8. 于瑞丽,张秀英*,赵彦惠,王 . 老员工亚健康状态及干预对策的研究进展. 护理研究. 20122611):3073-3074.

9. 皎,彭 歆,张秀英. 护理专业本科《环境与护理》新课程教学改革的尝试[J]. 吉林医学. 2012, 33(20): 4478-4479